Monday 10 May 2010


Today we watched a video about young people that are unemployed and are on benefits. The video followed four unemployed people that they had filmed back in 2007 and tried helping them getting work. This video showed them three years later, and there views on the recession and why they still haven't found work.

Out of the four people they followed two of them had found a job, the other two are still claiming benefits. These people were described as 'NEATS' this stood for non employment, education and training. Where they weren't working, wasn't in education or training.

The video then went on to discuss whether we should get rid of job seekers allowance and other benefits unless people are training or in a course or to community service to earn these benefits.

I believe that this should happen as people are getting to lazy to find work, as they are gettin £50 a week not to do anything.

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