Monday 19 April 2010

Personality Tests


The first personality test we took was on here we had to answer a few questions to find out what kind of personailty traits we had. I answered these questions and found out that I was a lion - this means I enjoy being with my family and relatives. Also I share interest in socialising and having fun as a way to be close to my loved ones.It also says that im generally graceful and skilful in sport or leisure activities that interest me. My strengths are that im friendly, good at communicating, good at what is going on, can join in with people with enthusiasm, and can be generous and a popular team member.

With this first test I agree with most points of what I am like as a teenager and what my stengths are, and can see why my preferred roles are performer, carer, promoter. I don't know whether I would agree with this though.

The second test I took was another personality test but was more in-depth than the first. This test was on here we had to answer 72 questions which worked out what my type was. I came up as ESTP, which in more detail means I am spontaneous, and active. I also get great satisfaction from acting on my impulses. Also activities involving great power, speed, thrill and risk I enjoy. Persons of this type have a natural drive to best the competition. Also it says that this type of people admire and respect anyone who can beat them at their own game, this point I can almost definately agree with, as if I had an arguement with someone and they beat me, I would hold my hands up and see them winning and wouldnt hold a grudge. It says on my career indicator that I should go for management in business, sales/marketing specialist, entrepreneurship, stock broker, bodyguard, sport coaching, seafaring, and emergency medical services.

I agree with most points this test said about my personality, and can see my career indicator being right, as I know that I want to do something business related. Also I agree with the points that im active and get great satisfaction from the things stated above, and also that if i get beaten I admire and respect people for it.

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