Monday 17 May 2010

Hilary's talk on Law


Today Hilary came in and had a talk to us about jobs and careers in law. She was telling us about different routes we could take if we wanted to, to get into law. These routes are either university, or going into a solicitors office and working their till your about 25years old and then doing ILEX course to become either a solicitor and barrister.

She was telling us how the courses would work if we went down the university route, and the work load you have to put in if you want to become a solicitor or barrister.

I found this talk very interesting as it gave me an incite into what kind of jobs there were available in Law. Although I found this talk very interesting, I believe that this kind of career is not suitable to me as I do not find this interesting.

Martin's Finance and Accounting Presentation


Today Martin gave us a presentation on the educational steps that you need to take to become an accountant. Martin explained what you need to do in order to come an accomplished accountant. There are many educational steps that need to be taken and it can take up to 10 years acheive a Doctoral degree which is the highest degree needed to become an accountant. He told us that we would need to complete our current course which is a level three in education and then follow that by going to university and completing different degrees. He told us that it was hard work and if we were serious about doing it then we should go for it as it would be good for us in the future. If we sacrifice time now it would be good for us and help us in our future careers.

I appreiciated what Martin said and would consider taking these steps in education that he told us. I would prefer to take these steps in a subject like marketing but would not cancel out accounting, as I do like working out some of the numbers, and creating the graphs.

I think that doing all you can to get the career you want is essential and if you are serious and sure of your career path then there should be nothing stood in your way when you are trying to reach your goals. Seeing the handout given to us by Martin was useful because you can see the different levels of degree that need to be completed to be fully accomplished in what you want to do.

Monday 10 May 2010


Today we watched a video about young people that are unemployed and are on benefits. The video followed four unemployed people that they had filmed back in 2007 and tried helping them getting work. This video showed them three years later, and there views on the recession and why they still haven't found work.

Out of the four people they followed two of them had found a job, the other two are still claiming benefits. These people were described as 'NEATS' this stood for non employment, education and training. Where they weren't working, wasn't in education or training.

The video then went on to discuss whether we should get rid of job seekers allowance and other benefits unless people are training or in a course or to community service to earn these benefits.

I believe that this should happen as people are getting to lazy to find work, as they are gettin £50 a week not to do anything.